The holidays are upon us…but a time of year that normally brings joy and expectation is immutably tinged with concern and uncertainty. A quick review of the months past reveals change and challenges seemingly unimaginable…and yet here we are. Together, still. If there is any silver lining to be derived from the whirlwind that has been 2020 it has to be the steadfast and caring attitude that we have experienced from our customers, partners and team members. Thank you is woefully insufficient to express our appreciation for the community that surrounds us but we offer a heartfelt ‘Thank You’ none the less.
The team at HD Courier remains committed to those that depend on us and continue to soldier on; the labs, clinics, manufacturers, retailers and service providers that keep our community healthy and our economy running. As times have changed so have our capabilities. We’ve significantly expanded our logistics services to include state-wide distribution, national contract logistics as well as fleet support and replacement; all enhanced with data integration and real time visibility solutions. Our goal remains to provide flexible and tailored logistics solutions to our clients across town or across the country.
Let us know how we can help you and your organization adapt to our ever changing world!
Stay safe out there!